Pokemon title with the slogan gotta catch them all


Ash Ketchum pointing to the side

Welcome to our site!

Hey, you there! Do you want to be able to discover all the Pokemon in the universe with just a click of a button? Well you've come to the right place! Just like how a trainer would use a real pokedex, our pokedex gives information about all the Pokemon in the world that are contained in the database. You'll be able to check their height, weight, type and many more attributes. I guess you could say it's a hi-tech encylcopedia! So get pumped and get ready to catch 'em all!

Our Pokedex is a web app that utilizes JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Utilizing the PokeAPI, we created a Pokedex with all the current generations of Pokedmon. Our intention with this project was to work with a larger, more complex API and expand our knowledge on styling with CSS

About Pokemon

Welcome to the world of Pokemon! In this universe, people and Pokemon live together by supporting each other. Pokemon have been, from the very beginning, spoken of as friends and partners to the humans of the Pokemon world, helping them with various tasks from constructing buildings to exploration. Some people play with Pokemon, some battle with them, and many people take Pokemon with them on a journey. However, we still don't know everything about them. There are still many mysteries to be solved but with an eager mind and the help of a pokedex like this one, we can get closer to discovering the truths!

"Make your wonderful dream a reality, and it will become your truth." - Professor Oak

Pikachu wearing a bracelet

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